Art Will Make Your Kids Better Thinkers

Now, Science is saying that Art will make your kids better thinkers. Is it possible for Art to help your children?  Could they be molded into nicer people or more creative thinkers?  A new study supports our hunch that kids who are exposed to the arts gain benefits beyond just being “more creative.”

A team at the University of Arkansas is trying to scientifically prove the benefits of exposure to art. What they found, in a recent study published in the journals Education Next and Educational Researcher, is that students who are exposed to cultural institutions, like museums and performing arts centers, not only have higher levels of engagement with the arts but display greater tolerance, historical empathy, as well as better educational memory and critical thinking skills.

Jay Greene, professor of education reform and a researcher on the study said “The changes were measurable and significant. In particular, a single museum tour was found to make “a definite impression on students.” Students on this tour remembered what they’d learned “even without an external reason for doing so–like a grade or a test.”, according to Professor Greene.

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